Attract More Extended Stay Travelers by Building Community Among Guests

In an age where travelers are increasingly seeking more than just a place to rest their heads, the extended-stay hotel sector is undergoing a transformation. This article delves into innovative approaches to foster a sense of community within extended-stay properties, featuring case studies from industry giants like Marriott to smaller yet impactful models like DeBoer's WaterWalk Apartments. 

Discover how communal spaces, networking events, and local experiences are revolutionizing the concept of 'extended stay,' making it more engaging, fulfilling, and beneficial for all involved.

Building Community Among Guests: Examples

Marriott has introduced a new room design for the Element extended stay hotel brand. Its novel design includes four guest rooms surrounding a communal space featuring a kitchen, dining, and living room area, a modern twist on the concept of co-living or dormitory-style accommodations. 

The concept aims to replicate the community-feeling that platforms like Airbnb and HomeAway have already been offering. While such communal accommodations are not new, they've been largely missing from extended stay hotels. This format allows hoteliers flexibility in selling rooms, either as a group package or individually, with access to communal spaces. 

In contrast to Marriott's approach, DeBoer from WaterWalk Apartments, based in Wichita, Kansas, has presented a different co-living model that combines apartment units and extended stay hotel units. Although DeBoer refrains from calling it "co-living," the model offers a community-like feel where both transient and permanent residents have shared amenities. DeBoer’s motive behind WaterWalk is primarily business-centric, as he believes it's a profitable model, especially in cities with limited alternative lodging options.

In parallel, Airbnb has launched the Friendly Buildings Program to collaborate with multi-family housing complexes, ensuring a consistent business and potentially creating hybrid co-living hotels. Many industry players are monitoring Airbnb's moves, leading to innovations in extended stay accommodations.

Overall, with the growing popularity of platforms like Airbnb, the extended stay hotel segment is undergoing evolution, with more emphasis on communal living and creating a sense of community among guests.

Ideas For Building Community Among Guests

Below are a variety of innovative ideas aimed at fostering a sense of community among your extended-stay guests. From local sightseeing to professional development workshops, these initiatives offer opportunities for guest interaction and enrichment.

Health and Wellness

  • Fitness Clubs: Form small fitness groups or clubs that focus on different activities like running, cycling, or swimming. It's a good way to keep fit and make friends.

  • Wellness Retreat Weekends: Organize retreats focused on mental well-being, featuring activities like meditation, mindfulness workshops, and spa treatments.

  • Guided Nature Walks: These can be organized in nearby parks or natural reserves. They provide both exercise and an educational experience about local flora and fauna.

  • Yoga Sessions: Morning or sunset yoga sessions can help guests start or end their day on a peaceful note.


  • Community Boards: Install physical or digital boards where travelers can post about their plans, needs, or services they can offer to others.

  • Happy Hours: A regular happy hour in the lounge or bar area can set a relaxed mood for socialization.

  • Theme Nights: Consider hosting theme nights, such as a game night or a local culture evening, where guests can learn about the area they are staying in.

Professional Networking 

  • Speed Networking: For business travelers, a speed networking event can be both productive and enjoyable.

  • Professional Development: With more people working remotely, a workshop on enhancing productivity or mastering a specific software tool can be highly valuable.

  • Skill-Share Sessions: Allow guests to lead informal sessions on skills they excel in, like photography or coding, fostering an environment of learning and sharing.

Local Exploration

  • Farmer's Market Visits: Organize weekly trips to local farmer's markets. It can be a fun and educational way to understand local produce and crafts.

  • Historical Tours: Partner with local historians or guides for educational walks through historical districts or to heritage sites.

  • Local Sightseeing: Arrange for guided group tours to local attractions, helping guests get the most out of their stay in the area.


  • Art and Craft: For families or individuals interested in creative pursuits, an art and craft workshop can be both fun and fulfilling.

  • Language Classes: Offering basic language classes in the local language can help travelers feel more at home and navigate their surroundings better.

  • Local Art Showcases: Partner with local artists to display and discuss their work, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of the local culture.

Building Community Between Guests and Locals

As the landscape of extended-stay travel evolves, it's becoming increasingly clear that community engagement is more than a passing trend—it's a meaningful shift in how we define hospitality. Innovations from industry giants like Marriott, to alternatives like WaterWalk Apartments and Airbnb's Friendly Buildings Program, showcase the potential in focusing on communal living. 

The range of ideas provided here, from professional development workshops to guided nature walks, offer practical avenues for hoteliers to actively facilitate community among their guests. Not only does this make for happier, more engaged travelers, but it also adds value that can differentiate your property in a crowded market, potentially leading to longer stays and glowing reviews.

Read more about creating community experiences for guests in our article, “How Local Collaborations Can Enhance Your Offering to Extended Stay Travelers.”


Attract More Extended Stay Travelers with Local Collaborations 


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