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What is a Serai. Historically, Serai’s were resting places for long distance travelers, most often along the Silk Road. Here, weary travelers both rested and found community. A place where global cultures mingled, meals were shared, news and travel tips flowed. 

Following on this notion, a Sojourn Serai is a home to the 21st century slow traveler. A place where cultures meet, travelers become family, and community is made.

With 35 million slow travelers last year alone, but typical search results revealing only a handful of accommodations geared toward extended stays, we’re convinced this is a huge need. In particular, we aim to meet the needs of grown up travelers - those whose comfort reasonably takes priority over budget. Sojourn is creating a collection of hand selected extended stay accommodations that meet our 5 pillars:

  1. Comfort

  2. Style

  3. Community

  4. Livable

  5. Remote Work Friendly

Think you’re a great fit for our community?

  • Find out how orienting your accommodation service around Extended Stay Travelers boosts revenue, reduces expenses, and much more.

  • Explore the reasons why Extended Stay Travel is beginning to trend, who Extended Stay Travelers are, and how corporations are leveraging this new opportunity.

  • Here we highlight the best methods for future-proofing your accommodation service, and positioning yourself to receive this new flux of demand.